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Authored by Rudie & Steven Kuiter this is a must have resource for any SCUBA Diver, Snorkeller or Ocean Lover.


This 372 page profesionally published and bound book includes over 1700 close up images of live animals including comprehensive photographic identification. The must have guide for field naturalists serving the diving zoologist, educators and hobyists of all ages.


Port Phillip Bay is a large enclosed bay connected via a narrow opening to Bass Strait. The southern temperate fauna is extremely rich and diverse.


This identification guide is a comparison volume to Coastal Sea Fishes of Eastern Australia and ilustrates the marine creatures that are free swimming crawling on the bottom or live on Jetty Pylons as well as many of the not so well known cryptics. Countless tiny species aee well hiden and not noticed unless you are searching for them. .


*shipping included in price

Marine Fauna of Port Phillip Bay (Book)

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